In a surprise comment made at a campaign breakfast on February 20 in Muskegon, Michigan for 'Tea Party Young Zealots,' GOP Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum stunned the crowd by daring the U.S. that if nominated, he will choose the Vatican's Pope Benedict as his running mate. Even though the Head of the RC Church is not American, Santorum declared, "Who cares? I'll push for whatever I can get away with! Everybody's buying into my agenda...aren't they?"
Citing the U.S. Constitution, Santorum continued, "As I interpret it, the founding fathers actually wanted a high-level religious spokesman as a significant political force for American democracy. Of course, no women allowed,!" as he chuckled through his prepared text.
At first there was stone silence, but within seconds, the crowd started hollering, "Rick, Rick, Rick!" It was a standing ovation, as Santorum indicated 'thank you' and used down-motioning hands to reseat the excited group of Young Zealots, each of whom had shelled out $500 for this 'Best Candidate Breakfast.'
Within an hour after the speech, Santorum received a call from the Vatican. An unidentified aide to The Pope indicated that Pope Benedict would only run for Veep if he had a sizeable expense account and he were allowed to speak only in German or Italian. Other demands included tickets to all Italian soccer matches and attendance guaranteed by his own private jet. Santorum repled with an "I'll see what I can do."
The question remains whether the boyish-faced Presidential hopeful is serious about his VP choice or is he just trying to 'stir up the pot,' as he typically has been doing.
Stay tuned!