
Funny satire stories about Pope Benedict

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Funny story: Nazi Pope Having a 1000 Year Party in Hell

Nazi Pope Having a 1000 Year Party in Hell

Well, the Nazi Pope is dead. Will he rise from the grave to become a zombie Pope? Only time will tell. Did you know that when a Pope dies, they hit him in the head with a hammer (blessed, of course) to see if the smack wakes him up. (If the wit…

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Funny story: Two Popes: First an Academy Award winning movie, then the book, now for the joke!

Two Popes: First an Academy Award winning movie, then the book, now for the joke!

Millions of people around the world have watched and enjoyed the film classic about the meeting between Pope Benedict and the not yet-Pope Francis. That was soon followed by the book or technically the screenplay, released in paperback shortly follow…

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Funny story: Radio carbon dating tests reveal Pope Joe Ratzinger in fossilised state

Radio carbon dating tests reveal Pope Joe Ratzinger in fossilised state

Rome - Retired Vatican rock star Pope Bennydick 16 has crumbled to ruins two years after getting the boot for the Turin Shroud scam. This morning a medical team examining the ex-Pontiff's private quarters confirmed they's found a dry rot infestati...

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Funny story: Tony Blair Calls for the Restoration of Pope Benedict XVI -- Announces International "Bring Back Benny" Campaign

Tony Blair Calls for the Restoration of Pope Benedict XVI -- Announces International "Bring Back Benny" Campaign

London-Former British Prime Minister and converted Catholic Tony Blair called upon the Vatican today to immediately remove "dangerously subversive" Pope Francis I, and reinstate his "politically more realistic" predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI.

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Funny story: A game of two Popes as Frankie the Argie and Benedict the Kraut post hexes for Sunday's World Cup final

A game of two Popes as Frankie the Argie and Benedict the Kraut post hexes for Sunday's World Cup final

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - The new Vatican hex-messaging service has kicked into action with Pope Francis and Pope Benedict both tweeting like crazy about their influence with 'Him Upstairs'. Online oddsmakers Aintgottaprayer.con has responded acco...

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Funny story: Pensioner de-frocked 500 priests. I am sick of paedophiles, he rants

Pensioner de-frocked 500 priests. I am sick of paedophiles, he rants

Pensioner Pope Benedict XVI de-frocked 500 priests while in office, Vatican sources admitted. Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi initially said the AP report was rubbish. The latest statistics reveal the number of priests defrocked in 2011 and 20...

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Funny story: Last Frights For Papa Ratzi, The Pontiff Who Threw In The Towel

Last Frights For Papa Ratzi, The Pontiff Who Threw In The Towel

Rome - "Uh, who threw up all over the towel, more likely," Monsignor Guido Gorgonzola, Keeper of the Papal Adult Diapers, commented at reports that Pope Joe Ratzinger is on a life support machine tonight. A team of top gerontologists at Rome's Osp...

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Funny story: "I've Permanetly Retired From Competitive Soccer" says Ex-Pope

"I've Permanetly Retired From Competitive Soccer" says Ex-Pope

Rome - Catholic soccer fans are in shock today after Ex-Pope Benedict XVI said he is hanging up his cleats at the end of the season and would no longer compete in Vatican League soccer. Benedict XVI, the leading scorer the last seven seasons for...

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Funny story: Former Pope Confesses "it's all a sham"

Former Pope Confesses "it's all a sham"

He was the first pope to resign in "god" knows how long when Benedict XVI quit his papal duties in February 2013, saying that he no longer had the strength to perform his role. Now in an unprecedented interview with The Spoof's religious corresponden...

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Funny story: Last Frites for Ratzinger ahead of Friday's Summer Solstice

Last Frites for Ratzinger ahead of Friday's Summer Solstice

Rome - A giant family sized fun-bucket of speciality Italian Fiefdom Fries has been delivered to the retired Pope's private quarters in Rome amid Vatican fears His Holiness might not make it past this Friday. Treatment for blocked arteries has see...

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Funny story: Satan wins the war of Facebook

Satan wins the war of Facebook

Satan has chalked one up in his eternal battle with God when it was revealed that his Facebook page has more subscribers than God's. "I quietly pleased," Satan admitted. "When I last looked I had twice the number of followers on Facebook, than God...

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Funny story: Benedict Excommunicates Pope Francis

Benedict Excommunicates Pope Francis

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has announced from the balcony of Castel Gandolfo the excommunication of Pope Francis. The announcement occurred on Holy Saturday and it was followed by the mandate that the newly-installed Pontiff vacate the Vatican S...

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Funny story: Pope Francis Serves Eviction Notice on Pope Benedict

Pope Francis Serves Eviction Notice on Pope Benedict

According to confidential sources within the Vatican Curia, Pope Francis has served an eviction notice on Pope Emeritus Benedict. The former pope has one week from Easter Sunday to vacate Castel Gandolfo or answer to the Italian courts. The act...

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Funny story: Man Jumped for Not Sharing His Weed to Celebrate Vatican's White Smoke Announcement

Man Jumped for Not Sharing His Weed to Celebrate Vatican's White Smoke Announcement

KILLEM COURT, Connecticut - Rodney McSausagefoot was beaten senseless in a parking lot of a Catholic church in Connecticut's Killem Court Projects for sparking up a joint filled with marijuana after hearing of the Vatican's announcement of a new Pope...

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Funny story: Simon Cowell being brought in to help find new Pope

Simon Cowell being brought in to help find new Pope

In a shock announcement by the Vatican today, it has been confirmed that Simon Cowell, the mastermind behind popular talent shows such as "Britain's Got Morons" and "£X-Factor" is being drafted in to bring some life to the process for choosing a new...

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Funny story: Vatican Elects Protestant Pope

Vatican Elects Protestant Pope

The Vatican made the startling announcement that, for the first time, they would be appointing a Protestant pope. Onlookers were startled when the new pope suddenly ran out of the Vatican and ripped his papal clothes to shreds. "You don't n...

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Funny story: Pope Benedict To Meet With Lindsay Lohan

Pope Benedict To Meet With Lindsay Lohan

LOS ANGELES - Word out of the Vatican is that Pope Benedict XVI, has informed his press secretary Leonora Sardinia to set up a meeting with the much troubled Tinsel Town starlet Lindsay Lohan. The pope, 85, said that last week he received a text m...

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