CNN are seething that they have lost the franchise to rights to air this popular entertainment on Prime Time TV and must now be content to show only playbacks over and over again.
"We will have to release many of our commentators from their contracts." said a CNN spokesperson, "This will add to the unemployable statistics caused by the Obama Presidency."
The WWF debates will be hosted by Scott Anthony Levy (better known as 'Raven'). He said that he will make sure that the contestants will not step out of line, except in the interest of good television.
"He might go a little easy on Old Ron Paul, but no holds barred on the other Republican candidates." said his agent, "And some very awkward questions will be asked to provoke aggressive reactions."
The change is seen as a positive move, up to now there has been too much ugly negativity.
Super pack NDA (National Dog-owners Association), welcomed the move.
"Dog Fights like this have increased the interest in pedigree puppies."
The popularity by breed in Florida was posted this morning.
Great Dane 46%
Pit Bull Terrier 32%
Chihuahua 13%
Labrador 7%