David Cameron is faced with another gaffe prone supporter. Newly appointed Peer, Howard Flight made the sort of boob his wife might envy when he said the Government policies were encouraging the poor to breed. By having more children those on low income would get more child benefit. Whereas middle income families couldn't afford children because they were losing child benefits.
Lord Young, another Tory blunderer, had already dropped a clanger by claiming that there was no recession and middle income families had 'never had it so good' because of low interst payments on their mortgages.
So Tory policies are stopping middle income families breeding whilst they have never had it so good!
Understandably Cameron has disowned these statements by the people he appointed. 'These gaffe prone individuals' he explained 'have been talking nonsense which is I why I appointed them in the first place.'
Hidden feelings, not far below the Tory surface, are emerging because Cameron is seeen to be to the left of Blair, an earlier Conservative Prime Minister. They find his Public Relations style of Government unattractive.
I spoke to Goofy B'tard at the House who is planning a coup to replace Cameron by someone closer to Blair. 'The mood on the back benches' he claimed 'is very restless. All these students, who are the next generaton of rulers, are turning against the Lib Dems, but that puts us in the firing line as well.'
Does Goofy hold the key to the future? Or is he revealing a bloomer to go with the boobs of others?