Following an exhaustive investigation, Skoob News can finally reveal that the photographs displayed on the interweb of Prime Minister David Cameron, and London Mayor, Boris Johnson, giving Katie Price one up the arse are photoshopped fakes.
Acting on information leaked from a source close to Katie Price, Skoob News discovered that Katie Price wasn't particularly anticipating being shagged up the arse by anybody, much less David Cameron and Boris Johnson.
Forensic testing of the photographs revealed that it wasn't actually David Cameron and Boris Johnson giving Katie Price one up the arse, and it wasn't even Katie Price either.
It was all photoshopped.
Skoob Entertainment News supremo, Buffty Ginslinger took it upon himself to find out what really happened, and for a change he got a result. He told us:
"It wasn't Katie Price taking one up the arse. It was a woman called Gloria from Studley Road in Stockwell. It seems she got paid £250 to take one up the arse, but she didn't know she'd be photoshopped with Katie, aka Jordan. Likewise the two blokes who gave Gloria one up the arse weren't really David Cameron and Boris Johnson. It was two local blokes called Tony Blair and Ken Livingstone. Anyway, that's it - I haven't got time to mess about. I'm meeting Gloria in the Swan for drinky-poos this avvy, and then...well, who knows what might happen?"
A combined spokesperson acting on behalf of Katie Price, Boris Johnson and David Cameron asked Skoob News what the fuck we thought we were playing at?
We told 'em we had no idea and ran off giggling.
Sorry, but we just couldn't help it.
More as we get it.
You ready yet Gloria? Where's the KY jelly?