Genetic Freak Found To Have Two Arse Holes

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Monday, 16 August 2010


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image for Genetic Freak Found To Have Two Arse Holes
The Hague Chap - He Talks Shit Too

Swindon, Wilts - UK - Doctors are baffled (copyright:rentacliche.con) as to why Swindon man and self-confessed genetic freak Lazlo O'Grady was born with two arse holes.

It appears that Lazlo O'Grady has one arse hole for the usual designated function, and a second aperture, for talking shit out of.

Mr O'Grady was hospitalised Sunday, after his 'talking shit' arse hole made a guest appearance on popular Swindon local radio phone-in show 'Talking Absolute Bollocks In Wiltshire' before prolapsing from 'exhaustion of the arse hole.'

Seemingly, Lazlo O'Grady's second 'talking shit' arsehole went on a twenty minute rant about almost every current news story, encompassing the Pakistan floods, the Chinese landslides, the Ground Zero mosque, Peter Crouch's robot dance moves, Monica Mint's muff, the escalating price of beer, white van drivers, old slappers on trains, people wearing funny hats and false moustaches in Winchester, gay homosexuals frolicking in cornfields with lewd abandon, Islamic terror groups determined to destroy the fast food industry at all costs, lesbian rug-munchers, beer drinkers, transsexuals, faggots (the meat based savoury snack) and the late Michael Jackson still being a paedophile even though he's dead.

The final straw came when the show's producer, Donald Skoob, once a janitor at Salford University booted O'Grady up both arses, as the second arse insisted that Liverpool were genuine title contenders this season.

"Don't talk shit!" Donald said as he aimed for maximum leverage.

Lazlo O'Grady is currently recovering in bed in Swindon, but doctors remain baffled as to why he was ever given an extra arse hole if his sole intention was to talk shit out of it.

More as we get it.

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