Man Wakes Sleeping Nursery Children In School Mayhem

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Friday, 30 July 2010


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image for Man Wakes Sleeping Nursery Children In School Mayhem
'Raus! 'Raus! Wachen! Schnell!

An English teacher has been severely criticised by staff for what they say was an "unprovoked and unnecessary" attack when he needlessly awoke sleeping nursery children at a school in Bangkok today.

The teacher roused the dozing tots at around 11.30am this morning when he passed their room and thought it would be a laugh to do so. He clapped his hands loudly - as if he were trying to scare pigeons - and shouted random lines from World War Two prisoner-of-war films that he could remember, shattering the peaceful slumbering state of the 4-year-olds, who woke startled, and screaming for their mummies.

Moys Kenwood, originally from Hull in East Yorkshire, claimed that he was in 'that sort of mood' after reading a story on satirical news website, which made him feel "listless and uncaring, and not really giving a fuck".

Staff at the school were livid at the man's behaviour. They gave him filthy looks and called him a "farang".

Nothing new there, then.

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