The Government has announced a revision of the Bus Pass allowances for people under 90 years of age. Protests from elderly citizens have been met vigoursly by Ministers.
Suggestions that the Conservatives are going back on election promises are being ridiculed.
'Why shouldn't old people be lied to like anyone else?' argued an anonymous Minister from the back of his Limousine 'not to do so would be overt discrimination.'
Plans are being brought forward however by the Government who have counted the votes of the Grey Army. Realising their number is rather large and can only increase, the idea is being floated that MP's should have their travel allowances curtailed.
'But I will have to catch a bus' wailed one MP 'I will have to travel with the common people!'
Some MPs are hitting back. One told us, on assurances of anonymity 'Who do these old Fogies think they are? They get free ambulance travel,free drugs and some are allowed free swimming. We must resist the wets who want to wrap old people in cotton wool. They want to experience cuts like everyone else. It gives them something else to moan about.'
Feelings are high in the House. Several have been given a good talking to by their mothers and nannies. They are simply afraid of what will happen to them if the ancient trolls get nasty.
'I might get left out of Grandma's Will!' cried one MP who looked as if he was at death's door.