Schools failing to teach children the core beliefs of Christianity, says Ofsted - I say leave religion out of schools

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Monday, 7 June 2010

image for Schools failing to teach children the core beliefs of Christianity, says Ofsted - I say leave religion out of schools
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As an 'educator' as teachers are now called, I worry about the rationale behind the headline that I read today: SHOOLS FAILING TO TEACH CHILDREN THE CORE BELIEFS OF CHRISTIANITY, SAYS OFSTED

Christ, I am so glad I don't teach in England these days! No wonder teachers are leaving en masse. We have postings here in Canada for teaching jobs in England.

No surprise when teachers would far rather clean houses for a living that put up with OFSTED. These people who make up OFSTED, if they ever taught in classrooms, it's my bet that they couldn't get out of the classroom quickly enough. If they loved teaching so much, why did they leave the classroom? For the big money - that's why.

Why should religion be a part of education? Teachers, in my humble opinion, should be educating students in the basics of reading, writing, mathematics, science, the Arts etc.

Reglion should be kept OUT of schools, as should Politics AND OFSTED

Parents should be the only ones to choose which paths their children take as far as religion is concerned.

History tells us that most children grow up and move away from the very 'strict' religious beliefs and practices of their parents.

Children should be made aware of what is 'out there' and have the opportunity to choose, when they are old enough to understand. Otherwise EVERY RELIGION CAN BE CALLED A CULT

I am an atheist teaching in a predominantly Christian school. By that I might add, the parents are Christians and the children are bloody clueless.

Some of the so called 'Christian' students I teach - and have taught over the last 30+ years, as well as non Christian students are liars, thieves and bullies. They use profanities and blasphemous words on a regular basis, that would make their parents' toes curl.

In my humble opinion, I would far rather receive a good deed from an atheist, who is looking for no rewards to get him/her through the pearly gates, than from a 'lip service paying Christian' who is racking up points to meet Jesus and his dad.

How can 'educated' people believe that teaching Christian beliefs in schools will result in better citizens?

History tells us this is not so. Today, wars are being fought by 'religious' people. Innocent men and women are dying on a daily basis...why?

Maybe I am missing the point here. I'm getting 'carried away somewhat'. I don't teach in England anymore, thank dog.

I have taught in Catholic schools, where students are supposedly being taught morals through the bible etc. Some of those students were/are just as rude, disrespectful and 'potty mouthed' as students who don't receive religious instruction on a daily basis.

Some Catholic students have 'bawked' at the religious lessons I have taught. ( Notes being left by their teachers - which I carried out robotically - if that's a word.)They've had a laugh going to Confession. If their parents could have heard them. Oh my!

Who are many of these 'so called' Christians kidding? THEMSELVES!

I'll agree that some Christian families do a darned good job. I am just airing MY views about MY experiences in teaching.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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