Winston Churchill Found Dead

Funny story written by Earl Grey

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

image for Winston Churchill Found Dead
"Dead? Oh yes"

Winston Churchill, Conservative politician was found dead today. Gravediggers working at St Martin's Church, Bladon, near Woodstock, say they accidentally dug him up during routine renovation work.

Churchill has been dead for some time and the toxic smells coming from the grave caused a major stink. Locals were forced to be evacuated to several different parts of the country, with families being separated.

Local vicar, the Reverend Chopper Harris said "I was awoken by a terrific banging, but sadly it was from outside. The men had been trying to maintain the graveyard, but sadly the instructions were in English and they are all Polish. Poor old Winston didn't look too well. Must have been all the cigars."

We attempted to contact Churchill's next of kin, but received no answer. he was the last of the great politicians in his family and now even the not very good are no longer around.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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