You Don't Mess With The SAS

Funny story written by Skoob1999

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

image for You Don't Mess With The SAS
Oh Yeah? Screw You Too Nick You Fat Little Slug!

Monumental own-goal - BNP leader Prick Griffin has managed to get the SAS's dander up by quoting Winston Churchill and hijacking British military tradition by using our brave men and women to put forward his idiotic racist political agenda.

Griffin has been adopting instances of World War Two symbolism such as the Battle Of Britain and the speeches of Winston Churchill in order to further his political cause.

Whilst also heaping praise on the courageous Waffen SS.

General Lord Guthrie, SAS Colonel Commandant, slammed the BNP for promoting pernicious racism in politics.

Reporter Skook 1989 told us:

"My precious grandaughter is ten years old. She's part Jamaican. I reckon she could kick ten shades of shit out of that slug Griffin. In fact I'd put money on it."


More as we get it.

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