Whitehall - As the row over MP's expenses rumbles inexorably on, diehard Conservatives, caught like rabbits in a spotlight following damning revelations have been increasingly looking to the party leadership for, well, for leadership.
It has not been forthcoming.
Following his usual tactical strategy, David Cameron has maintained a stony silence and is reported to be of the opinion that the sooner the whole mess blows over the better.
It is a widely held belief that Cameron remained silent over revelations regarding Labour Cabinet Ministers because he knew that his own party members would emerge from the scandal equally disgraced.
Cameron, who has executed more U-turns than a Moss Side joyrider, and who has remained stuck firmly on the fence on all matters of political policy, apart from the 'hug a hoody' nonsense is rapidly alienating his grass roots power base by his overwhelming inability to make his mind up about anything.
"I'm sorry to say this," said Lady Labia Pufflips, a leading Conservative volunteer. "But David Cameron makes George Dubya Bush look like Stephen Hawking. The man is a complete arse."
More rumblings of discontent as we get them.