Gordon Brown snaps at PM Question Time

Funny story written by Collins_and_Dutton

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

image for Gordon Brown snaps at PM Question Time

Under fire British Prime Minister snapped today during a heated exchange with Conservative leader David Cameron.

The pressure has clearly been building on Brown who had seen even his own party turning on him.

The initial cracks in the PM started to show as Cameron spoke in the House of Commons, and Gordon Brown began to throw biros at the Tory.

Cameron responded by describing the PM as "childish", to which the PM retorted that the Tory leader was a "stinky toff toff who should shut his mouth, right now. Shut it. Right now."

Brown then ran over to the Tory side of the chamber, stole the papers which Cameron was holding and ran out of the room giggling.

Following the performance, a Downing Street spokesman denied that there had even been a PM question time today.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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