Julie Moult, a 'journalist' from right-wing rag The Daily Mail has been exposed as a grade 'A' idiot, according to the Internet today.
Following up on her award winning stories such as 'Nazi racoons on warpath' she wrote a poorly researched piece about GoogleBombing and Hazel Blears. To illustrate the article she then stole someone elses work and never even credited them.
'It's true, I am an idiot,' said the drooling half-wit today in a day-dream I had. 'I had no idea what I was talking about and now the whole internet is laughing at me. I shouldn't have stolen that guys image either but to be fair, in my defence, I am a complete idiot so what do you expect?'
The Daily Mail has been struggling for news since all the asylum seekers went home and the royal family died.