Corbyn's Anti-Semitism Row Explodes Again!

Funny story written by j.w.

Friday, 27 July 2018

image for Corbyn's Anti-Semitism Row Explodes Again!
Corbyn secretly meets Hitler, cleverly disguised as Trump

Stirrings in the German countryside as Adolf appears again, and is whisked away by Jeremy Corbyn who becomes Adolf Hitler Mark 2.

This 'new improved' Hitler has a beard not a moustache, he has a cunningly-kind demeanour, but, like Adolf, he has huge, dedicated support - not from the Blackshirts so loved by our very own Daily Mail, but from young people who really should know better.

Corbyn, like Hitler, has this thing about race. But where Hitler wanted to wipe out Jews, Corbyn wants to bring justice to those afflicted with the scourge of racism.

Not much in common here!

But, of course, it is the Jews who Hitler really hated, and Corbyn has not dealt adequately with a close friend who has got somewhat senile over Hitler and Zionism.

However, it is that Corbyn is a threat to Jewish people that really matters. For some this means Israel.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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