Heavy Rainfall During UK Heatwave Technically Monsoon

Funny story written by carina-eta

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

image for Heavy Rainfall During UK Heatwave Technically Monsoon
The grass is all dry!!

Heavy rainfall which is affecting many parts of the UK causing flash flooding should technically be classed as monsoons, according to the British Meteorological Organization today.

Due to the hot, humid weather and everlasting sun resulting from Global Warming, sudden downpours have now been upgraded to Monsoons across Great Britain.

We spoke to a British woman we found washing her clothing in a stream in Worcester. She commented, " Thank God for the rain, the stream had nearly dried up and I've got to get Bernards boilersuit ready for Monday."

Another ex-Brit Moys Kenwood, 55, from Battambang, commented via satellite link, " I'm just glad I got out of Britain before the weather turned tropical, I mean its hot over here, but its nothing compared to the heat, monsoons and raging grass fires over there. I've heard that the grass is all dry, like 1976 "

A spokesman from the British Meteorological Organization said, " there's no relief, even the rain is warm, my tomatoes have all shrivelled up and my wife's not happy."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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