Poldark's Aiden Turners Chest To Star in its Own Series

Funny story written by carina-eta

Friday, 15 June 2018

image for Poldark's Aiden Turners Chest To Star in its Own Series
I love you lung time

Following its recent exposure in every National newspaper and magazine in Britian, including "Tractor Engines Today" and "Know Your Radish", the hairy chest of Aiden Turner has announced that it will be going it alone in future.

The buff half-torso, having achieved national fame appearing alongside the rest of Aiden Turner, has signed a contract with the BBC to do a short series entitled "Treasure Chest" where the dark, brooding chest emerges from the sea, tears off its shirt and throws itself onto sandy beaches up and down the British Isles.

Aidens chest has also hinted that a more complex series may be in negotiation, entitled "Dead Mans Chest", where the chest, rippling with a muscly six-pack, is kidnapped by pirates, tortured and then gets its revenge in a deadly, heart-stopping night time attack.

Aiden Turner himself, has stated that he's fine that his chest has decided to go solo and make a career based on its own talents, he said" Yeah, it's great, its all fine, I'll be grand on this iron lung here."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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