The German Council of the MIE, Most Intelligent Elite, an organization of gifted Germans is discussing statistical data concerning illegal Mexicans.
The data shows Mexican DNA traits to be prone to violence and to retarding the human gene pool in America.
The MIE is interested in the future effects caused by a high amount of destructive genes within a human population. Of interest are the IQ differences between Mexico and America which demonstrates a county's entire capability level.
While they extend their compassion to the Mexican people they also seek to understand why things occur in a physical world.
The MIE are a logical group, deciding their actions on complex calculations rather than on personal opinions or emotion.
Secluded among their own, they engage in the calculation of the universe. Their computers continually gather and input all known information involved in calculating outcome and solutions.
MIE's emphasis for the border wall:
The wall must be build to save America's future against the degeneration of its intellectual capacity from the overpopulation of illegals whose lower genetic IQ would quickly spread throughout the population.
Data on IQ by counties: Hong Kong 108, South Korean 106, Switzerland 101, Great Britain 100.
United States 98 vs Mexico 88.
Without the wall, there will be a reduction in America's ingenious ability to produce better quality technologies, it would reduce America's ability to successfully compete economically in the world market, it would reduce America's ability to defend itself against intellectually advanced foreign aggression, and it would reduce America's ability to solve it's evolving internal problems.
The wall would also reduce the cost of dealing with problems caused by illegals such as the financial cost of crime and social services. The depletion of jobs, of housing, of educational resources, and of pubic safety resources.
Earlier this year, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reportedly estimated that the border wall would cost $21.6 billion the price of two battle ships.
"The US government should open a GoFundMe page to reduce the cost of the wall," said Nietzsche.
If the federal government creates an investment plan they could recover the cost of the wall and they could generate enough yearly profits to upkeep the wall for centuries to come.
Economic dilemma in Mexico:
Over the last few years Mexico's economy, and most notably its exports, have stagnated well below that of Japan's economy. Data shows Japan's GDP to be $6.11 trillion which is much higher than Mexico's GDP of $2.5 trillion.
The economy of Japan is the third-largest in the world yet it's land mass is smaller than Mexico's. Mexico's population occupies an area of 1,943,945.0 k.m. as opposed to Japan's tiny population which occupies a smaller area of 364,485.0 k. m.
Economic experts attribute the economic differences to the genetic IQ differences between the two countries which has allowed Japan to do more with less.
Evidence: Japan's IQ 105 vs Mexico's IQ 88.
Exporting crime:
According to the National Statistics Institute (INEGI) Mexico saw a 22% increase in homicide cases, rising from 17,034 in 2015 to 20,789 in 2016.
98% of all Mexican emigrants reside in the United States, which are more than 12 million (legal and illegal) migrants.
Human Rights violations committed by illegals are wire tapping for the purpose of committing stalking, survalence, and murder of US citizens, law enforcement officials, city officials, prosecutors, judges, and criminal rivals. Also, the introduction of moles by organized crime into police departments, the judiciary, all levels of city government, and inside of the DEA, to extract vital information.
Other crimes committed by illegal aliens are as follows: Assault, battery, false imprisonment, kidnapping, homicide, first and second degree murder, organized crime, gangs, beheadings, torture, mayhem, stalking, intellectual property theft through wiretapping, involuntary manslaughter, intentional vehicular homicide, larceny, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, forgery, receipt of stolen goods, solicitation, conspiracy, drunk driving (DUI), public intoxication, and selling alcohol to minors.