Qatar are hosting the Soccer World Cup in 2022 and are hoping that oil prices will rise sharply because the price of slaves building the necessary infra-structure has risen astronomically!
Ali al-Emadi , Qatar's finance minister, has told Jaggedone's CIA (Cockroach Infiltration Army; quite abundant in Qatar BTW) that every day his country is spending $500 million bucks building new stadiums, etc! And the bulk of the costs are paying over-paid slaves to do the job!
"In the old days we built our wonderful buildings with slaves from Africa, India, China, etc, and they didn't cost us a buck, only food and water, nowadays they demand wages and a roof over their miserable heads!!"
"Just imagine our Egyptian brotherhood having to pay their slaves to build the pyramids; they would never have been built! Whip lashings and beatings is all they deserve and a glass of water with dry bread! How the hell can we impress the world with our wonderful stadiums when these damn slaves refuse to work for nothing, will not accept a good old fashion whipping, and complain that our wonderful country is just too hot!"
FIFA, as usual, refuse to intervene because Qatar has already paid billions to their corrupt board of directors for allowing them to host the World Cup in maddening heat; however, they have offered Qatar a cheaper version of slave than the ones now employed?
Mexicans barred from entering the "Land of milk and honey" are being rounded up by drug cartels and shipped off to Qatar with FIFA cashing in on the deal! The Cartels have found a new way to finance their miserable lives, and the Mexican slaves are quite happy to build soccer stadiums in Qatar because they're nuts about soccer and hate American Football, Ole!