David Cameron killed Cock Robin

Funny story written by Mongrel

Thursday, 24 September 2015

image for David Cameron killed Cock Robin
Call me Dave

Serialisation of the unauthorised biography of David Cameron continues today in the Daily Mate. Sources close to Lord Asscroft have indicated that they once heard the story from his "Bullington Club" days. The only witness to the brutal murder of Cock Robin was Mrs Robin, who died 2 years ago. She once told a friend of one of Cameron's aides that she saw him eating what looked like chicken wings in the Oxford refectory just a day after Cock Robin disappeared!

Co-author of "Call me Dave" Isabel Oakshatt defended the publication saying "We spent £5 million researching this book, and although none of the claims made can be proven, they can't be easily disproven either. As they say at the Daily Mate - there no smoke without a box of matches"

A spokesman for David Cameron was unavailable for comment, but a friend of a source indicated he nearly spilled his glass of Châteauneuf-du-Pape when he heard the latest allegations.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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