Downing Street is reeling as a result of the unexpected outcome following the Olympic Games. A source close to the Prime Minister spoke of the shock at No 10 when the latest Opinion Polls showed no improvemnet for the Government in its support.
In a press release Cameron bewailed 'the lack of decency' among the British public. 'I have won 29 Gold Medals' he said 'the highest number ever for a Prime Minister. But the public are not recognising my achievement.'
Cameron is annoyed at the coverage of the Games by the BBC, feeling too much emphasis was put on athletes and not enough on him. 'After all I have done, the biased BBC almost ignored my contribution.'
Boris Yeltsin, the London Mayor and rival for the Tory leadership, is ridiculing Cameron's claims. 'I was clearly the person behind all the British success' said Boris 'my cycling prowess is far superior to Camerons.'
Wistful Cameron supporters are now banking on the Paralympics to get the swing to popularity they yearn but the fact is being relucantly faced that Cameron may have to be satisfied with a Gong from the Queen in an award of an OBE (Other Buggers Efforts)