More Upheaval at Ibrox

Funny story written by grimbo

Thursday, 26 May 2011

image for More Upheaval at Ibrox

New Rangers owner Craig Whyte continued his purge of the Ibrox staff with 3 new appointments today.

Hot on the heels of the departure of chairman Alastair Johnston and director Paul Murray, even more changes were effected by the new regime.

First to go was Willie The Car Park attendant who wouldn't admit Whyte to the car park without the new owner showing proof of ID.

Next on the hit list was groundsman Bob Laing. Despite the surface at Ibrox being acknowledged to be one of the best in the country, Laing was shown the door because the pitch was green.

Last to be punted was canteen lady Morag Kinnear who made the major faux pas of serving the new owner tea with sugar rather than using sweeteners.

More sacrifices are expected by the weekend.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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