Brett Favre friended his new coach on Facebook because his coach sent him a request last Tuesday.
"I couldn't decide to friend him right away, because I wasn't sure he should be able to see the bad things I post on my homepage, and I wanted to see if he was a winner like me. He is." Brett Favre told his reporters after he hit "okay" on Facebook, and thus accepting Leslie Frazer as his friend. i
"I am not sure if I will block him from seeing my wall comments, but for right now I am happy to have him as a friend on Facebook." Favre added.
Brett Favre has a hard time making decisions, a fact that has lead him to throw a crap load of interceptions over his career and a fact that has lead to him having a hard time deciding if he would continue his career as a professional quarterback in the NFL.
Roger Goodell liked the fact that Favre was able to make such a quick decision on accepting Farzier as his friend on Facebook, because it makes for good press for the old man.
"I think Favre needs as much good press as possible right now, and I think he did the right thing by accepting his coach as a friend, since Favre's last coach lost his job due to the poor relationship he had with Favre." Goodell told his buddy Peter King, who soon used the news to help him meet his word quota for the day.