OSU President Explains Elitist Remarks about the BCS

Funny story written by UWGB-Beek

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

November 24 (Spoof News) Ohio State University is in the news because their President E. Gordon Gee said that Boise State and TCU didn't deserve to play in the BCS Championship Game because those schools don't spend as much money as OSU does on its football program.

"I think we should be able to recoup some of our lost money spent paying coaches, and sometimes athletes through scholarships that no other students have access to, and we also pay a lot more in advertising cost than those small schools. We need to play in the game, not them." Gee told reporters.

"Don't get me wrong, a team like TCU or Boise State might increase the ratings and money brought into the BCS, but it won't be a game played by the two best teams, and isn't that what the BCS is all about?" Gee added.

Gee did claim that his remarks were not intended to mean that BCS rankings should be overlooked or that the ratings were flawed, because he really didn't understand how the BCS picks the teams, due to the fact he was an academic.

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