Mike Shanahan finally admitted it: No, not that he is the most famous colored-hating racist in the Washington, DC-Metro Area since Senator Strom Thurmond, but that his team blows monkeys, as proven by the Eagles' 28 point 1st quarter pummeling of the Redskins.
Shanahan a Racist?
I think so. He came up in the NFL in which existed a culture that black athletes would not have the intelligence and ambition to succeed at QB, or that a black quarterback is a waste of a talented athlete. I think his decision was based, in part, on that old mindset.
If I'm wrong, than why is it no one knows who Marlin Briscoe is?
"I guess murdering dogs is the new way for an NFL quarterback to train," said Shanahan, over drinks with Bill Austin, Richie Petitbon and Terry Robiskie.
Shanahan benched QB Donovan McNabb in Detroit two weeks ago with less than two minutes in a game against the Lions, claiming that McNabb didn't have the "cardiovascular endurance" or "knowledge of our scheme" to complete the final seconds.
"My decision to bench the colored guy had nothing to do with racism or bigotry," said Shanahan. "Everyone knows black athletes are better than whites."
"See, this goes all the way back to the Civil War when during slave trading, the the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid," continued Shanahan.
"I just think he's too black to understand our complex offensive scheme."