Former British PM Margaret Thatcher will be joining the rest of the football-loving world tonight, when she sits down in front of her telly to watch the World Cup quarter final match, and the former Tory leader has already 'pinned her colours to the mast'.
She will be rooting for Germany.
Mrs T expressed her preference to close friends at her bedside yesterday, and said that, as she had, in the past, had "a bit of a run-in with Argentina", she would be hoping that Germany - England's controversial conquerors - would progress to the semi-finals.
Mrs Thatcher, it was, who sent British troops to the Malvinas Islands in 1982 to liberate them after they had been invaded by Argentina, who also laid claim to them as part of their own territory.
The Iron Lady said:
"It was a long time ago, but I have nothing but bad memories of Argentina. I will be hoping the Nazis can give them a jolly good hiding."