English "Dummkopfs" get their bums spanked by "der Lederhosen Battalion"!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Monday, 28 June 2010

image for English "Dummkopfs" get their bums spanked by "der Lederhosen Battalion"!
Tame Rooney having a blower and wondering "what the fuck am I doing here!"

Die German "Lederhosen Battalion" stuffed the lame, tame "Three Lions" with impunity and England's tamest lion, Rooney, was given a "speziell lederhosen spanking" by the German defenders!

It was a Blitzkrieg screwing in good old English "kick and rush" style (the Germans had sent their spies to watch Englands previous three disasters and thought, "what zey can do ve can do better, Scheisse!).

Actually, the Germans showed the English mercy and "je n regrets" because even if the English would have won (wonders can happen you know, pessimistic Spoofers!) they would have got tranced by Maradona, Messi and co anyway.

So the English should actually be grateful to their old enemies and new saviours?

As for Rooney, well, if he had played against Messi the way he had been playing up till now, he certainly would have hung his boots up in shame and taken up tiddlywinks, croquet or ludo because the sight of Messi actually playing footy would have been too depressing!

England fans don't despair and all is not lost yet, we still have our fab Scot (Brit) Andy Murray to fly the flag!!!!!!

See you all in Brazil in 2014? (or maybe it would be better to withdraw now????????)

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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