England wakes this morning, subdued and disheartened, following yesterday's ignominious 4-1 defeat at the hands of their footballing nemesis, Germany.
And whilst the England players prepare to return home, the FA will need to examine the evidence to establish just where the mistakes were made and ultimately, who is to blame.
Such is the nature of English foot-balling failure.
Will the blame rest with Fabio Capello, the unrelenting manager, who stubbornly continued to adopt the unpopular 4-4-2 formation, despite critisism by supporters and pundits alike?
Will the failure be blamed on the Uraguyan referee who failed to acknowledge Lampard's goal at a crucial point in the game?
Whilst these and other theories are valid, this reporter has established that Wayne Rooney explains his own lack-lustre performance during the tournament as being due to the absence of his 'lucky underpants'
'I thought that Collen had packed them' he said, looking confused and dejected, 'but she must have forgot, and I know it sounds daft, but I play crap without them'
No Wayne, it doesn't sound daft, not to me and I'm sure not to anyone that has had to endure your performance over the last four games.
So there we have it, England once again has it's scape-goat, Mrs. Colleen Rooney.
Collen Rooney......Hang your head in shame!!!