Notre Dame 1 and 9 Season - God No Longer Catholic

Funny story written by drugtestallpoliticians

Monday, 12 November 2007

image for Notre Dame 1 and 9 Season - God No Longer Catholic

South Bend, Indiana (IP) - The Lord has changed his religion from Catholic to Baptist after having to put up with Notre Dame's 1 and 9 football season.

He was disgusted with the team's performance and the coaches might be in for a warm vacation after God said he will send them to Hell for a week for an attitude adjustment.

The Lord converted from Catholic to Baptist but he says that the baptists anti-dancing outlook will have to be modified.

God told reporters that he lost some money on the games but that other than that he has gotten over the heavy losses and humiliation suffered by the hapless Notre Dame team this year.

He also stated that he is tired of being inundated with prayers from people who want their sports team to win. He cited his own experience with sports this year as a good reason why people should leave him alone during football season and that they should invest their prayer time more wisely.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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