Center of the Universe Really a Giant Sphinctor!

Funny story written by Jean Le Fete

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

image for Center of the Universe Really a Giant Sphinctor!
Giant Sphinctor may change Einsteins Theory of Relativity!

Australia - Hubble telescope images have revealed a new type of black hole that scientists most closely relates to the actions of a giant sphinctor.

"It emits huge quantities of gas," said Arnot De Speckenheim, "The only way to describe a human equivalent is it appears to be 'farting'. We've only just begun to analyze data from a space probe we launched ten years ago, but the gas it emits appears to be a very pure methane gas. When the probe penetrates the "anus" as we come to call the center, we'll hopefully get clearer picture of just how this thing works."

Since this news was released several television evangelists have been quick to state that this might actually be the anus of God, and therefore scientists should not be probing it.

"God is trying to send us a message," said New Baptist minister Oreol Goldman, "Probing him is the ultimate insult and those responsible shall be severely punished in the end!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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