Burmingham, Alabama (IP) - Long time losing football coach Nick Sabin has begun his new career coaching a high school girl's football team.
The little coach has racked up a long record of losing games in the NFL and then slid down to the college level and has finally hit bottom.
A reporter attending a practice session on Saturday reports that the girls are giving little Nickie very little respect and the coach's voice has become hoarse. He was seen wiping tears of frustration away during the practice and stomping his little size 6 feet on the ground in frustration.
One heavy set girl nick named "elephant girl" sent Nick flying against the goal post and he seemed to be stunned and slow to get up after the incident. No one seemed very concerned and Nick was left to get up at his own pace.
The girls all laughed and jeered at him with disdain but he was so out of it that he did not seem to be totally aware of his surroundings until after all the girls had walked off of the field on their way to the local pizza parlor.