Pregnant Woman Defeats Kobayashi in Hot Dog Eating Contest

Funny story written by SpaceElevator

Monday, 2 July 2007

image for Pregnant Woman Defeats Kobayashi in Hot Dog Eating Contest
Domo arigato, urrp... Not so fast, Kobayashi-san!

Coney Island, New York - 29-year-old competitive eater, Takeru 'The Tsunami' Kobayashi, has been upstaged by a woman in her first trimester of pregnancy during the annual Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating contest.

Anita Tumz, age unknown but pregnant with twins, was not registered in the competition and just happened to get an insatiable craving for hot dogs as she was passing nearby. The judges at first refused to seriously consider Ms. Tumz, but after she finished a full plate then began eating from Mr. Kobayashi's portion they had no choice but to take notice.

The International Federation of Competitive Eating never anticipated this scenario, hence there are no rules that forbid declaring Ms. Tumz the clear winner. Meanwhile "armchair quarterbacking" continues -- as purists of the sport insist that she quite simply out-ate Mr. Kobayashi while opponents argue that her hormone-fueled body gave her an unfair advantage.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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