Dick Cheney has Evil Plan to Rule the World

Funny story written by Princess Poole

Friday, 18 May 2007

image for Dick Cheney has Evil Plan to Rule the World
Send in the Clones

Anonymous sources today warned of Vice-President Dick Cheney's evil plot to rule the world with Cheney clones. These sources claimed Cheney used oil companies' high tech labs and huge profits to create more than 10,000 Cheney clone embryos.

The Cheney baby embryos are to be carried by fuel desperate SUV drivers who could receive up to 10 gallons of gas for their nine months of service. Other more unfortunate women will unknowingly become Cheney baby carriers. Women in infertility treatment, expecting to be implanted with their own or 'adopted' embryos could instead receive one of these Cheney babies.

Sources are terrified at the idea of 10,000 Cheneys running around with loaded shot guns. Strangling the world economy after taking over every oil company on the planet. Not to mention the evolutionary set-back as these clones begin to reproduce.

"Please, Don't let this happen!" begged one insider. "Call your congressman, call FEMA, call the U.N.--On second thought, forget it; WE'RE ALL DOOMED, DOOMED!!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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