French-Canadian Olympians Crave "Poutine"

Funny story written by Vlad D.M. Paylaw

Thursday, 13 February 2014

image for French-Canadian Olympians Crave "Poutine" coy

SOCHI, RUSSIA Canadian athletes--primarily the francophones-- have been spotted wandering the streets of Sochi, phrasebooks and smartphones in hand, asking bewildered restaurateurs, shopkeepers, and ordinary citizens: "Where can we go to eat some poutine in this town? We like it hot, gooey, and a little salty."

Upon hearing news of this strange request, "Pwetty-Boy Pwethident" Putin ripped off his shirt, rubbed an ice cube over his nipples, mounted his horse, and rode into Sochi's main public square.

"Here I am, ladies", he announced. "And", he added, while coyly flipping his well-manicured eyelashes and fondling the horn of his saddle with his left hand, "If any cute boys from Canada would like a taste, I'm sure we can make arrangements."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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