Detroit Lions Cheerleaders To Sell Their Bras and Panties on eBay And Donate The Money To The City of Detroit

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 5 August 2013

image for Detroit Lions Cheerleaders To Sell Their Bras and Panties on eBay And Donate The Money To The City of Detroit
The Detroit Lions cheerleaders hope to raise a lot of money for the city of Detroit.

DETROIT - The Detroit Lions cheerleaders held an emergency meeting at The Carburetor Coliseum and decided to collectively do something to help the city of Detroit which has filed for bankruptcy.

Lions head cheerleader Brooke Springbutter, 24, informed Sporting Chance Magazine that each one of the girls feels bad about the situation that the once proud Motor City finds itself in.

She said that each one agreed to donate three items of intimate underwear to be placed on eBay. Springbutter went on to say that the entire proceeds from the sales will be donated to the Detroit City Treasury.

Another cheerleader Cassidy Gamboa, 21, suggested that the girls hold a fundraiser and invite the public to come out and support them in their kissing booth gala.

She explained that all of the cheerleaders will assemble in the parking lot at The Carburetor Coliseum and they will sell kisses for $10 each.

SIDENOTE: Brooke Springbutter stated that she hopes that other NFL cheerleaders as well as NBA cheerleaders follow their lead and do the same thing in their cities and donate the proceeds to the City of Detroit.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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