More Spoof Writers beginning to walk upright...Scientific and Spoof Worlds both astounded

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Saturday, 29 January 2011

image for More Spoof Writers beginning to walk upright...Scientific and Spoof Worlds both astounded
One of the original Spoof Writers circa 2002

The Scientific World and, indeed the World of Spoofers, have been shaken by the finding that more and more Spoof Writers are beginning to walk UPRIGHT.

Fans of Spoof Writers have been following their 'favourites' and taking photographs and videos of their idols and have PROOF that more and more of them are indeed beginning to walk upright, like normal human beings.

This is indeed startling and exciting news for both Scientists and Spoof Writers alike. This means that some of these Spoof Writers are evolving into humans.

Surely, this is to be celebrated. Evolving closer to humans means that the Spoof Writers will, hopefully, develop more human traits such as 'caring', sympathy and empathy for fellow Spoofers and their readers.

It is hoped that developing these new traits will not mean that they will become so 'caring' that their stories will become boring and of no interest to readers.

A few Spoof Writers HAVE been walking upright for quite a while and are pleased to hear about the new findings that others will be joining them very soon.

More on this exciting and unusual phenomenon as we get it.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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