
Funny satire stories about Humans

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Funny story: When The World Once Died

When The World Once Died

An unexpected virus destroys eighty percent of the human race. Scientist quickly move to save humankind, by creating cyborg's that carry the human DNA of twenty percent of the human race. The cyborgs become the insurance policy for mankind. There…

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Funny story: Angry Baltimore man demands chance to run the Preakness: cries discrimination!

Angry Baltimore man demands chance to run the Preakness: cries discrimination!

Harry Coleman, 42 of Baltimore, MD just started following horse racing last month. It all started, he tells us, when he was researching obscure drugs on the internet. “I came across a story about some of the substances those horses get. One thing le…

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Funny story: Human Evolution Comes to Screeching Halt

Human Evolution Comes to Screeching Halt

In a marked shift from evolutionary patterns of the past, scientists say that modem-day human evolution has come to a screeching halt. "If anything, we're regressing," said evolutionary biologist Peter Forman, Ph.D. "We didn't really want to publi...

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Funny story: Humanity Will Outlive Insects by at Least a Month, Claims Optimistic Report

Humanity Will Outlive Insects by at Least a Month, Claims Optimistic Report

The world is still recovering from a shock caused by the latest scientific report claiming that all insects may be extinct by the end of the century, which will result in a collapse of the planetary ecosystem. In an effort to plant a seed of opti…

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Funny story: The Dawn of Man

The Dawn of Man

Man - or humans as the PC brigade would have us call it - has strived for many years to build a better world. A world free of dolphins and rhinos - who are actually just overweight unicorns that nobody wants to ride - a world where fish are free to swim the oceans, where they can eventually be caught to be made into delicious fish fingers by the ultimate sailor hero himself, Captain Birdseye. F...

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Funny story: Louisiana Crawfish Catches on Fast Regarding Festival Supposedly in His Honor

Louisiana Crawfish Catches on Fast Regarding Festival Supposedly in His Honor

When first invited to attend the Cajun Crawfish Fest in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, crawfish Caleb Mattingly was extremely gratified to learn that his fellow Louisianans so appreciated his contribution to the eco-diversity of the bayou regions that they'...

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Funny story: Astronomers discover planets that look like Earth! However, do we need another one?

Astronomers discover planets that look like Earth! However, do we need another one?

Thank the heavens (literally) that the seven planets discovered by astronomers are so far away, it would take roughly 770000 years to get there, because we really do not need another planet like ours! Jaggedone, sent his favourite scientific, unde...

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Funny story: EPA Formally Declares Humans are Danger to Environment

EPA Formally Declares Humans are Danger to Environment

WASHINGTON, DC - The United States EPA announced today that humans threaten public health and the environment. "The administration will not ignore science or the law any longer, nor will we avoid the responsibility we owe to our children and our g...

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Funny story: 'Scientists' pretend to find another missing link in Homo Naledi!

'Scientists' pretend to find another missing link in Homo Naledi!

'Scientists' have proudly announced the discovery of some human like fossils, and absolutely true to form have concluded them to be yet another link in the mind boggling chain of so called missing links. The bones were discovered in a cave near Jo...

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Funny story: 'New species' of ancient human found

'New species' of ancient human found

A new species of ancient human has been unearthed in the Afar region of Ethiopia, scientists report. Researchers discovered jaw bones and teeth, which date to between 3.3m and 3.5m years old.The teeth showed signs of violent clenching and grinding...

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Funny story: Is There Sex In The Afterlife? Part 4

Is There Sex In The Afterlife? Part 4

The beings from the planet Sophia69, who have taken over all of earth's Internet, social media, TV, and radio transmissions have beamed an answer to their second "Question Of The Week," "What is the human activity that will make all and any human emotions, actions, desires thought-systems, values, idols, and totems and religions obsolete?" (The reader will recall that the first question was,...

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Funny story: Is There Sex In The Afterlife?

Is There Sex In The Afterlife?

A star in our Milky Way galaxy called beta CVN in the constellation Canes Vebatucui has a companion planet, Sophia 69, that harbors extraordinarily intelligent extra-terrestrial life. Its civilization is so advanced that is beyond human imagination.

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Funny story: The robust and rigorous micro-management of human beings

The robust and rigorous micro-management of human beings

The robust and rigorous micro-management of human beings by Rob Barratt Targets, performance management, data, robust, scrutiny, success criteria, outcomes, rigour, on track to deliver Robust performance management Robust scrutiny Robust data Robust success criteria Robust targets Robust outcomes Robust progress Robust rigour Robust robustness Target outcomes Target data Target...

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Funny story: Google: YOU are the company's next-gen technology

Google: YOU are the company's next-gen technology

SILICONE VALLEY, CA -- Trying to recover from consumers' backlash concerning the computer giant's threat to replace human beings with robots by 2030, Google has released 8,000 of its prototypical wearable Glass, a system resembling eyeglasses that ca...

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Funny story: New Branch of the Evolutionary Family Tree Discovered

New Branch of the Evolutionary Family Tree Discovered

A population previously hidden in plain sight has been discovered here in Louisville. The DNA is so interwoven, that we cannot help but infer that inbreeding occurred much more often and earlier than previously thought. The Denisovans of Asia a...

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Funny story: SatNavs are to be made 'more human'

SatNavs are to be made 'more human'

SatNavs, the indispensable piece of kit for all modern motorists that have forgotten how to read maps, are to be made more human in an effort to sell new SatNavs, now virtually every motorists have one. "They're very robotic," said Tom Garmin, hea...

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Funny story: Who said you were naked

Who said you were naked

Some astronomers say there are about 170 billion galaxies in Universe, billion light-years far apart. If you multiply, the number of stars in our galaxy, 300 billion, by 170 billion other galaxies, you get approximately 10 to the power of 24 stars in universe, Counting non-stop, each number a second, it would take you almost 32 years to count one billion. What keeps the solar system so tight to...

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