A gorilla who resides in a UK Safari Park has proven what Charles Darwin already knew, humans are just gormless, "hairless" apes!
The gorilla's name is Ambam and has proven to the world that Gorilla's and other apes are much further down the evolutionary path than humans, in fact they take the piss out of us!
Ambam has been caught on film doing what humans do, standing upright; proving that they actually are far cleverer than their stupid human bretheren because they've kept it secret for thousands of years and by walking on all fours they avoid having to work, very clever!
Because human apes stand upright they are perfectly suited for doing the "donkey work", whilst apes prefer to act as if they can't stand up therefore avoiding all forms of labour and living a life of lazy luxury.
Elephants and humans are just plain stupid, gorillas and other apes know this fact. They let them do the work whilst apes just play all day, laze around, have "mucho" sex, are fed and generally live the Utopian existence.
So who wants to be a "stand-up" comedy figure when you can enjoy the fruits of life whilst bending down constantly. Ask doggies, they love it "doggy style" too! (Married humans can only dream of it!)