A population based study has shown that women who miscarry stand a better chance of having a baby if they have sex the next day.
Miscarriage can be a traumatic time for many women, who feel that they have lost a child, but researchers confirmed that the best thing for them is to get back in the sack as soon as possible. Sohinee Bhattacharya of Aberdeen Maternity Hospital in Aberdeen investigated 1,000 women who had miscarried and divided them into two groups. Group A had sex the next day and group B never had sex ever again. "The results", said Bhattacharya, "were that half of the women in group A went on to conceive, whereas as none of the women in group B conceived."
A similar test was carried out at Deakin University in Burwood, Australia by Julia Shelley, who looked at 500 women who had miscarried. She found that the more often they had sex after the miscarriage, the greater their chance was of conceiving. "For example", said Sheeley, "there were a dozen women who had sex fifty times or more after miscarrying and 10 who only had sex once. The dozen women who had sex fifty times or more all became pregnant whereas none of the 10 did."
Bhattacharya also found that the longer women delayed in having sex after a miscarriage, the more their chance of conceiving diminished. She cited the example of one 80 year old who abstained from sex for 53 years after a miscarriage only to find that she was too old to have children. "The lesson seems to be to have lots of sex. Every day, even twice a day."