Terri Smith Creates Terri's Mod To Rival Popular Garry's Mod

Funny story written by John Beltor

Thursday, 17 February 2005

image for Terri Smith Creates Terri's Mod To Rival Popular Garry's Mod
Mod Creator Terri Smith

Half-Life 2 fan Terri Smith announced today that she hopes to release a modification called Terri's Mod to rival the popular Garry's Mod by Garry Newman. At press time, Terri told us she plans to have the modification, set to be released sometime next month, made for female gamers.

"I feel Garry's Mod is sexist against females," states Terri.

At the press conference, Terri said she plans to have many new and improved things such as a Face Makeover for ragdolls, and accessories such as jewelery and lipstick.

"I can't wait until everyone see this," exclaims Terri.

Terri, aged 19 from Kansas City, Nebraska decided to start the mod after playing Garry's mod V7.

"I felt so violated to be a girl," Terri thought to herself.

Now she has began working on the mod non-stop for release next month. Stats show her site is already receiving up-wards of 1,000 people per day.

When we approached Garry Newman, creator of Garry's Mod for comment, he quickly declined comment stating a patent is pending. Our research finds no record of such a patent.

When we asked other female gamers, some said they look forward to the modification, while others, such as Brittney Towes, feel she is out of her mind. Most women seem to be into the idea though, and see it as a way to have their rights.

A lot of flaming has occurred on both web sites in support of one another. Many moderators are stating they just can't keep up with the flame war.

One harsh comment by a user gothroach, reads "I am fed up with women trying to take over the world these days! I spend my time maintaining a server for this great modification and I stand behind it all the way. In no way is this great modification sexist!"

Will the modification me a major success or a sad flop? We will just have to wait until next month to find out. Terri plans to work non-stop to make the release date.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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