Dave Letterman, The host of "The Late Show" almost drowned last night while involving himself in one of the his most popular segments on his show called "Will it Float?"
According to his counterpart on the show Paul Shaffer Dave wanted to see if he would float or sink. The answer was a positive "He Sinks" Dave was pulled out 5 minutes later by the grinder girl and the Hoola hoops lady.
This stunt made The Late Show top the ratings last night. The audience was bigger than the Superbowl and the Brady Bunch Christmas Special combined.
Dr Phil, a previous guest on the show has offered Dave a guest spot on his Dr Phil program to help with councelling Dave with his trauma of not floating.
Some guest that will appear on The Late Show while Dave is "On Vacation" will be his old friend Dr Phil, Rupert from Survivor, and the monkey from Cabin Boy.