Oojaboo rivals Google in search efficiency, cuteness of name

Funny story written by Sussman

Tuesday, 3 August 2004

image for Oojaboo rivals Google in search efficiency, cuteness of name
The logo of 'Oojaboo,' a new search engine that hopes to compete with Google because of its powerful search engine and its cute-widdle name.

A new search engine Oojaboo claims to rival the popular Google search engine in both quality of searches and in the adorability of its name.

"People were drawn to Google for its ease on the tongue," Oojaboo.com CEO Dennis Agoo said. "I predict that Oojaboo will become the new standard for Internet search engines."

Oojaboo claims to have technology that indexes web sites by content, keywords and categories-all faster than Google's current technology.

"Our search engine utilizes state-of-the-art servers, scripts and technicians that will help users easily find the information they seek," Agoo said.

Creators of Google do not deem Oojaboo a major threat to the popularity of Google.

"I must agree that 'Oojaboo' is a very cute name for a search engine," Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, said. "However, the technology Google utilizes makes for the easiest web searching out there, and people trust the Google name."

Oojaboo was founded by Agoo and his friend, Dr. Bill Woojabooja.

"The secret is in the double-o effect," Woojabooja said. "Take my name for example. This name is so cute. You wouldn't believe how many dates I get."

"Google has one double-o. Oojaboo has two. You do the math," Woojabooja added.

Internet experts believe if Oojaboo were to be a superior search engine, it would take a long time for it to be the standard.

"So many websites currently have links to Google, and even the word Google has been coined as a verb by surfers," said Rodney Pookerstooker, head of research at Microsoft.

"You gotta admit," Pookerstooker added, "Oojaboo is one heck of a cute name. I kinda like it already."

"It all started with Yahoo!" Agoo said. "Yahoo! was the first search engine to use the double-o effect to draw users to their search engine. While they are still popular, Google's technology far surpassed Yahoo!'s ability to index web sites. Plus its name was, like, five times more lovable."

According to web experts, the name Oojaboo is, like, ten times as cute as Google.

Net surfers, however, have the ultimate decision of which search engine to use, and some people have already made the switch.

"It's so so much better," said avid Internet user Pauline Joojoobadoo. "I Oojabooed the term 'pictures of ostriches,' and I found tons of quality sites of ostrich pictures. Google was okay, but it gave me a lot of useless sites. Plus, that name is so addicting."

"Oojaboo," Joojoobadoo was heard mumbling several times later that day.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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