The Daleks courted fresh controversy yesterday after exterminating beloved fashion gurus Trinny and Susannah. The extermination came following a make-over which saw the drab extra-terrestial tin cans put into a variety of colours, designed to best show off their individual features and figures - and bring in more merchandising money for the BBC.
However it appears not all the Daleks were happy with their new image. Dalek-427, known to close friends as Neville said, 'I simply don't suit the garish colours they put me in. They make me look bloody gay. We are deleks. We demand respect. They were taking the piss.'
Another, Dalek-679, otherwise known as Gary said, 'Right from the beginning they were bitchy. They said my wardrobe looked like something out of a 1960s science fiction series. Who the hell are they to talk?'
The newly coloured Daleks met last week on Skaro to decide what to do about their despised new image. Many complained of having been laughed at in the street by Cybermen. Others claimed it had nothing to do with fashion but was political correctness gone mad. As the meeting turned fractious, one faction argued for a 'why oh why' letter to Points of View. But they were strongly outnumbered by those who wanted to exterminate the sartorial queens.
Trinny Woodall said, 'this is just nonsense. Those fashion disasters needed us perhaps more than any other being has ever needed us. We helped them cast off their terrible wardrobe and'
The Doctor was unavailable for comment.