A man out for an early morning stroll in the remote area of Tapon near Battambang, today told of a sight that he will never be able to 'unsee' - a creature with two heads!
The creature was spotted by animal expert, Moys Kenwood, who lives in the area. The Englishman was out for his usual early morning amble, when he became aware of a frantic scurrying-about behind some bushes. Kenwood:
"At first, I thought it was a pig, but then I noticed a head at either end, and knew, right there and then, that this was unlike any pig I'd seen before."
As the awestruck ambler watched, stupefied, he says, the creature made a sound very much like that of a dog barking. It was then he realised that, as well as two heads, the 'thing' also had eight legs.
Fearing he might have strayed across the path of a giant spider, he slowly edged away. Kenwood again:
"The two halves of the spider were different colours - one was black, the other a mucky gray - and they seemed to be pulling in opposite directions, as if they were attempting to become two separate entities! I made haste."
The situation in Tapon was described as 'quiet' last night, just like every other night in history.