It's round, freezing and millions of miles away, who gives a F++K!

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

image for It's round, freezing and millions of miles away, who gives a F++K!
They wouldn't go there either! Too f'ing cold!

After spending billions and billions on conquering space and bringing back a few stones, bits of dust and confirming the fact that no other living things exist in our solar system, scientists have decided to send spectacular images back from Pluto (I prefer the Disney version actually!).

By the way, I could have told you that no other living things exist in our solar system and NASA & co could have given me the billions instead! Anyway back to Pluto:

Round (yes as most planets are, I haven't seen a square one yet!), freezing bloody cold (yes it's even further away from the sun than our not so wonderful planet, logical indeed!). Takes a million years to get there and nobody in their right mind would want to go there anyway apart from a few homeless Eskimos maybe!

So our glorious scientists continue to throw billions and billions into their wonderful adventures into the great unknown (Well not so unknown actually, Da Vinci knew all about the constellation of the planets a few hundred years ago) while 75% of the earth's population live in poverty, die of hunger, disease and exist in shanty towns not even fit for our animal brothers.

Oh, and let's not forget, the planet Earth is ravaged by conflicts, wars and other such disasters, caused by yet another belief in the great unknown, religion (not quite correct, fanatic Muslims are convinced they are going to Allah after they blow themselves and other innocents to smithereens! Plus the thought of playing around with 72 virgins is quite enticing!)

So thank you Pluto for your wonderful surface images and to be honest, I'd rather look at Marilyn Monroe's round pieces!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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