Scientists Unveil Fartiest Galaxy

Funny story written by Adam Click

Saturday, 9 May 2015

image for Scientists Unveil Fartiest Galaxy
Mrs. Dottie May Walton will celebrate her birthday next Wednesday. Born in 1925, she will be 90 years old.

NASA Scientists unveiled detailed photos of the fartiest galaxy in the known universe.The Odor Difourus Gallaxy,located behind the belt of the Orion Constellation, which is now making it's decent in the summer sky of the Northern Hemisphere, is well known to UFOlogists.

The newly declared "fartiest galaxy" has long been suspected to be the origin of four different races of aliens: the mildly smelly Cabbagian Reds, and somewhat more odiferous Cabbagian Whites;as well as the Strongly smelling Red Beaners, and the absolutely repugnant Black Beaners. Black Beaners are reputed to smell as bad, if not worse than Limburger cheese.

The photos show almost continuous eruptions of gaseous clouds spewing forth from the center of the galaxy at an alarming rate.They also depict neighboring galaxies distancing themselves from the offending galaxy at great speed.

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