100 Caravaggio sketches found, Evolutionists wet their pants!

Funny story written by Gary Potter

Friday, 6 July 2012

image for 100 Caravaggio sketches found, Evolutionists wet their pants!
A sketch which evolved into the Cistene chapel roof!

The fantasy world of evolution is celebrating following the surprise find of 100 Caravaggio sketches found in a castle in Milan. It is estimated that the haul is worth in the region of £560 million pounds.

Atheist fundamentalist and evolution crackpot Richard Dawkins cut short his working 'holiday' in Jamaica, where he had been inspecting hundreds of 'close family friends' who work for him 23.5 hours a day on his ancestors estate.
Said Dawkins "The find is magnificent. The sketches have evolved from crude stick figure drawings originally produced by menial disgusting slaves [quickly correcting himself] er, I mean beloved loyal servants, hundreds of years ago. Left alone untouched, they have magically evolved into Caravaggio's."

Evolutionists believe the physics bending notion that left totally untouched, things gradually become more complex over time?!

Our resident science expert got his coat and left.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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