Grossbook - the new social network website for fatties is launched

Funny story written by Steddyeddy

Sunday, 6 November 2011

image for Grossbook - the new social network website for fatties is launched
Potential lardbucket practices stuffing her cake-hole

Today saw the launch of Grossbook, the new social network site specially for the clinically obese, overeaters and the world's general fast-food junkies.

Jane Lardbucket, a 32 stone professional eater from Glasgow had the idea when she was trying to get out through the door of her local kebab shop with 3 kilos of lamb in pitta for her early evening snack.

She felt that there should be a web site where the fatties of the world could unite to discuss food, food, food and even, on the odd occasions when they weren't too busy, food, without fear of the dreaded 4-letter word ever being mentioned ("diet", in case you're wondering).

Featuring only advertisements from fast food companies, the site is very similar to existing social networks, except with more calories but much less typing to avoid any potential loss of weight through exercising the fingers.

Users are encouraged to share ideas and thoughts as to how best get more food down the throat with least effort.

The Rt Hon Eric Pickles has been invited to be ministerial patron, believe it or not, more for his name, rather than his size.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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