More people are drawn to living a life of offensive mockery. Many are not just affluent, they're ultra-wealthy and choose to live a life of pseudo-homelessness.
They keep fewer possessions and decide to share more of what they do own with others. Of course, we all know that this is done in a spirit of narcissistic inclusion.
The wealthiest dirtbags utilize ride sharing, pretending not to "lord it over others" who are putting along the roads in their broken down shitboxes.
They don't even own a plush overpriced apartment in some gentrified area of the city. Oh no, they have to rent a bed in a gargantuan room with other smarty-pants douche bags! One of the latest services called Friendzoozhare, sports a "living ethic" that is so phoney and full of shit. Some also rent workspace through a service called Heyimwurkinhere!
Of course, many humble-brag about how wonderful the lifestyle is, but we all know that, when the time is right, they'll all just dump the whole charade and get down to the business of possessing the fucking shit out of everything in sight!
I find it laughable they are often those members of their generation in lucrative careers either in medical or technology fields. They still act like they're just golly-gee-middle class fuckers from the 1980s, working for the man!
They're still materialistic; it's just a type of "intangible materialism". They live for the crap that they hoard on their computers, in their Facebook and Instagram accounts.
"We sell happiness to each other through the things that we wish to share and the experiences we draw inspiration from." Holy shit! Spoken like these people know anything about the working class. Average people draw happiness from being able to eat and inspiration from not losing the roof that they pay dearly to keep over their heads!
They do it because it's less corporate and more personal and just all-around more enjoyable. Yeah, I'll bet people who are truly homeless are feeling the same way. Their life in an alleyway or dumpster is certainly less corporate, and it's more personal when you have to go to the toilet in it. Yes, it's probably very enjoyable trying to outrun some teens who want to kick the shit out of you just because you're homeless!
Silicone Valley types shouldn't be able to mockingly use the term 'Affluent Homelessness!"