The production of FEAR continues, as the UK airspace becomes filled with DRONES!

Funny story written by SpoofyDoofy

Sunday, 7 October 2012


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image for The production of FEAR continues, as the UK airspace becomes filled with DRONES!
Drones, part of the UK sci-fi armed high tech security Corps Division of the UK homeland security.

RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire, UK: Soon, consignments of Reaper drones will be arriving... As the Police State continues to pile more psychological pressure on its UK citizens, where the UK Government wants to know more and more about everybody, while at the same time the public are allowed to know less and less about them and their secret courts, now is the age of the DRONES!

Non-military drone use in the United Kingdom is rare. Merseyside Police bought a £13,000 drone that 'landed' into the River Mersey in 2011. Police in the Kent Constabulary, are reportedly/alledgedly working on a £3m? classified project to use DRONES patrol as part of their Coastal Command operations.

Hopefully with the new drones, Police Forces around the United Kingdom will be able to find who instigated the cover up at Hillsborough...

If you close your eyes and you can hear the 'droning' voices of Cameron, Clegg or another empty suit at the dispatch box in the House of Commons right now, indignantly pleading the case for drone production and even more indignantly saying that civil liberties will be protected. The above uses will be the toe-in-the-door and then inch by inch, they'll probably become more "versatile" and "multi-purpose", as Reapers to pick off the unsavoury persons and demonised groups.

However, there is hope. As long as the UK Citizens have sites like, 'Build Your Own Drone' and 'Maplins', there still remains a hope for everybody!

Considering that people in the UK are supposed to live in an intelligent civilized society, why is it that UK leaders appear to be the least intelligent, least noble, the least visionary, the least informed, most selfishly greedy & dangerous of all the citizens in our nations.

In Britain, the 'UK establishment' are slowly eradicating the ability for UKr citizens to provide a living for themselves. Britain is exporting jobs at an alarming rate, benefits are being cut and now privatizing what is left of the public sector. It won't be long before the gullible UK populace is told that it needs to "support" the UK military, with the likes of Monsanto's black water...

As THE United Kingdom continues to cut the military jobs and roll out the likes of drones, will it be any surprise when the 'people' say enough is enough and march "into" Parliament and physically remove the corporate run fabion backed elitist puppets by the scruff of the neck and throw them onto the cobbles.

The UK 'elite' were happy for us to flourish as narcissistic, self obsessed & self centered individuals instead of working for the benefit of the whole. Now that the financial meltdown is taking it's toll and they start to lose control. The UK 'elite' no longer have the ability to constantly breed fear into us to control us, keep us isolated from each other, make us doubt every person, whilst suppressing our own abilities to thrive.

Things are changing, and the UK 'elite' know it. The old men sitting in their elite clubs deciding what tale to spin to start the next great war, to keep us in scarcity and dependent on the UK State for our information, our sustenance or benefit and constantly change the goal posts to suit them, whilst holding us back. Those days will soon be put into the history books.

We will get our free energy, the formerly suppressed technology will prevail and so will the human race, with or without the current "democratic" systems.

It is the UK 'elite', with their doublespeak of giving up more and more freedom and democracy to defend freedom and democracy, that require the drones!! It is in the nature of the UK Government to take away freedoms and privacy, unless the UK public fight for them. If you walk down the street and two or three UAVs have you on camera, how free are you?

As Frank Zappa has said;

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."

Or as a leading illusionary, Captain Mainwairing of Dad's Army pointed out;

"Bollocks to "civil liberties" What about my right to want to live in a sci-fi movie world full of armed AI droids and evil security tech corps? Huh?'s all good because no-one is innocent. Everyone is guilty of something and if drones help us to catch them all out, the safer society will be...

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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